Attendance Requirements
Attendance and punctuality are essential in developing successful classwork and character development. Students who miss more than twenty (20) days of a full year's course or ten (10) days of a semester's course may be retained at the same grade level or may not receive credit for the course. Exceptions can only be made if the absence can be confirmed by a physician, or if in the opinion of the administration, there are justifiable circumstances.
All students are under the attendance laws of the non-public school of the State of NC and will be expected to adhere to and abide by such.
Excused Absences
Absences will be excused for the following reasons:
Doctor Appointments
Upon return to school, the student must bring a dated parental note explaining the reason, or the absence will be unexcused. If the student is absent for an extended time, a physician's note excusing the absence may be required. Once an absence is excused by the administration, the student will be given a reasonable amount of time to make up any work missed. This time should not exceed twice the number of days missed. Work completed and turned in during the time limit will be graded at full credit. It is the student's responsibility to complete the work on time. Students will be deemed unexcused until a note is received. Note should be received within 2 days. Notes received after 2 days will deem the absence to remain unexcused.
​The following are NOT excusable absences:
Missing a ride/oversleeping
Trips not approved in advance
Hunting, fishing, attendance at games
Birthday or other celebrations
Gainful employment
Alarm failure
Entertaining visiting friends or relatives
Visiting friends or relatives
Parental Initiated Academic Absences
Absences not permitted by school policy are sometimes allowable providing they are known beforehand and approved by the school administration. Such requests must be limited to a maximum of five (5) days per semester. Absences that exceed this limit or those that do not have prior approval will be considered unexcused. Please date and write the reason for the absence on the note. It is the responsibility of the parent and/or student to get their work ahead of time.
Please keep in mind that it is extremely important/required for the student to be present during any exams and Achievement Testing.
Your cooperation in planning absences around exam days is most important.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are given for any reason other than those listed as excused. If unexcused absences become a problem, grade reductions will be applied per grading period.
4-6 unexcused absences - 5% grade reduction
7-10 unexcused absences - 10% grade reduction
11 or more unexcused absences - 15% grade reduction
Students coming to school after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy. Students are expected to be on time to all classes, chapel, and all school functions.
If a student arrives at school later than 8:15 a.m., they will need to report to the office before admittance into class will be allowed. Repeated tardiness is a serious matter and will not be tolerated. Five (5) unexcused occasions of tardiness in a semester will be counted as 1 unexcused absence. Excessive tardiness will require a parent meeting with the administration and/or the Pastor. Excessive tardiness is not only detrimental to a child's character; it also causes difficulties for other students and staff.
Early Dismissal
A note or phone call from the parent informing the school of the plan to pick your child up early from school is required before class the morning of the pickup. The note or call needs to state the reason, the time, and who will be picking the child up. Students leaving before or arriving after 11:30 a.m. will be counted absent for the day. Any student leaving school early must be signed out. Excessive checkouts will result in an absence. Three early checkout = 1 absence per 9 weeks. This does not include leaving early for sickness.
For disciplinary absence, NO make-up work will be provided.