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Private Christian school located in Montgomery County, NC

A ministry of Long Hill Baptist Church

About Our School

Long Hill Christian School is a teacher assisted video streaming school that uses the Abeka curriculum. All grades are taught by teachers from Abeka's school out of Florida on tv's in our classrooms. There are multiple grades inside each classroom, however, each grade is divided by partitions and has their own tv with a teacher teaching their grade. Students use headphones at their desk to watch their teacher on the tv, so as not to have the distraction of multiple teachers teaching at one time. Our classrooms are broken with like-ages. Our teachers inside our school assist the students when they need help, give supplemental work when time allows, and they are the ones who do all of our grading for tests, quizzes, etc. Our teachers manage multiple grades, but are fully aware of what each student is learning for that day and prepare accordingly. Students at LHCS are required to wear uniforms. LHCS is not equipped with the resources required to serve children who are seeking to be admitted into special educational programs.


Statement of Faith

Long Hill Christian School holds without apology to the statement of faith of Long Hill Baptist Church of Troy, North Carolina.

  1. We believe in the verbal inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.

  2. We believe that the Bible reveals God, the fall of man, the way of salvation, and God’s plan and purpose in the ages.

  3. We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

  4. We believe in the Deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ.

  5. We believe that salvation is “by grace” plus nothing and minus nothing.  The conditions to salvation are repentance and faith.

  6. We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  7. We believe in the visible, personal and pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ.

  8. We believe in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.




Pastor: Mark Forrest

Administrator: Heather Carhart

Physical Address: 637 Capelsie Road Candor, NC 27229

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 545 Troy, NC 27371

Phone: 910-572-2265

Enrollment: 20




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