Enrollment at LHCS is a privilege. Before a student is accepted, an application for admission must be completed. LHCS will not admit any student who does not have a good record of conduct, character, attitude, and attendance. No student will be enrolled if they have been expelled or not allowed to re-enroll in another school due to disciplinary problems.
All students must be enrolled by the student's parents or legal guardians who will be responsible for the student's behavior and tuition.
Your child's enrollment will not be complete until after the school receives the following:
Student Application Form or Re-enrollment form
Copy of birth certificate
Current NC Immunizations Record
A signed Parental Agreement
Registration fees per student
LHCS Pastoral Recommendation Form
K4 Program:
Students must be 4 years old on or before November 30th.
Students must be 5 years old on or before November 30th.
First Grade:
Students must be 6 years old on or before November 30th.
Transferring Students:
Report cards/transcript from the student's previous school must be received to enroll in LHCS.
Returning Students:
Students returning to LHCS must re-register each year. A re-enrollment application form and parental agreement must be received to be registered.
Church Attendance:
The Ministry of Long Hill Christian School is a team effort with the home and church. It is therefore required that the parents and the student(s) faithfully attend Long Hill Baptist Church or their home church. If there happens to be no church affiliation, we urge families to attend Long Hill Baptist Church. Regular church attendance is a vital part of the total education of each student. This is defined by Sunday School attendance, attending at least 2 services per week, and at least some attendance during revival services and other church activities. In addition to church attendance, faithful tithing is required.
Special services involving school children will require attendance at Long Hill Baptist Church.
Anyone who will not cooperate spiritually, morally, or scholastically will be dismissed. In a day when there is little respect for authority, we think it is important for Christian young people to have Biblical attitudes toward parents and the staff. We will do nothing to undermine your parental authority. We will encourage your children to be obedient and respectful. Likewise, please show the staff the same consideration; expect and encourage your child to respect and obey the staff.